Arnica is a flowering herb native to cold. It is also known as mountain dairy. It is a homeopathic treatment for skin,hair and scalp conditions.
Benefits of Arinca Hair Oil
Arinca has anti-bacterial and anti-Inflammatory properties.
It lowers the pain caused by inflammation and kills bacteria on the scalp.
It improves the health of the hair follicle and extend the life of your hair by strengthening the proteins in your hair strands.
The block of hair follicles is due to sebum Oil and other debris on your scalp.
It can be cleared by applying Arinca Hair Oil topically.
Dandruff treatment:
(i)Buy a popular holistic treatment for dandruff.Scalp irritation,fungal infection,and dry skin may cause Dandruff in your scalp.
(ii) by applying Arinca Hair Oil relieves the symptoms of itching and inflammation.
Split ends:
(I)Arinca has the power to strengthen the hair strand from root to tip.
(ii)Coating your hair with Arnica Oil decrese the appearance of Split ends
Premature Graying
It fends off grays that are showing up early, by increasing the lifespan of the hair strands with Arnica Oil