Homeopathy Drops
Senadryl Drops 30ml
Regular Price: ₹150.00
Special Price ₹146.00
Senadryl Drops 30ml
Senadryl drops 30ml is used to treat cough, cold, breathing problems, asthma, bronchitis.
Indications:Sinusitis Recurring attacks of cough Cold Dyspnoea Wheezing and chronic bronchitis Bronchial spasms leading to asthma.
Dosage:Directed by the physician.
Uses:It helps to reduce airway inflammation and prevent asthma symptoms. HOMOEPATHIC MEDICINES PROVIDES BOTH LONG-TERM CONTROL AND ALSO QUICK RELIEF.
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Bhargava Nomin-L Drop
Regular Price: ₹125.00
Special Price ₹95.00
Anti-Hypotensive Remedy INDICATIONS Regulates the blood pressure, hypotension, vertigo, and fatigue from slightest mental exertion. Use under medical supervision.
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REPL Dr. Advice No.222 Myalgiacin Drop
Regular Price: ₹180.00
Special Price ₹165.00
ADEL 21 Proscenat Drop
Regular Price: ₹310.00
Special Price ₹285.00
ADEL 21 INDICATIONS: For prostate hypertrophy, enlarged prostate, prostate infections and painful urination.
The stages of prostatitis that a patient experiences depend on individual constitution and personal lifestyle. ADEL 21 (PROSCENAT) drops are effective in treating all stages, ranging from mild insufficiencies to more serious forms of prostate disease. In addition, this remedy can help prevent or resolve the development of adenoma that results from a chronic inflammatory condition.
Adel 21 INGREDIENTS: Acidum sulfuricum 6X, Conium 6X, Staphysagria 6X, Cantharis 12X, Selenium 6X, Nasturtium aquaticum 4X, Ononis spinosa 4X.
Acidum sulfuricum helps resolve mucous membrane inflammation, and is well-suited for treatment of haemorrhagic diathesis. It also addresses conditions such as extreme physical weakness, shaking, and mental and emotional exhaustion, including nervous irritability. This mineral acid affects metabolic function and is indicated for treatment of diseases such as prostatism, diabetes, stomach and intestinal ulcers, eczematous skin conditions and rheumatism.
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