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REPL Dr. Advice No.68 Malaria Drop

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Regular Price: ₹170.00

Special Price ₹158.00



Product Details


Shivering with shuddering, or feverish trembling, commonly with out thirst- cold in the body, Headache, pulse full and quick, Shivering ever in warm room, erregular fever, after quinine.


  • Each 5 ml. Contains
  • Chin Sulph - 6 0.75 ml
  • Cinchona officinalis -Q(China) 0.75 ml
  • Ars Alb - 6x 0.50 ml
  • Ipecac - 30x 0.75 ml
  • Nat Mure - 30x 0.75 ml
  • Eupatorium - 30x 0.50 ml
  • Gelsemium - 6x 1.00 ml
  • Mode of Action

    Chinium Sulphuricum 6x:

    During the shivrings, paleness of the face, puls slow, full or small.

    Cinchona Officinalls (China) Q:

    In the evening, in bed, He can not ger warm- Fever, with pressive pain in head.

    Arsenicum Album 6x:

    Cold over the whole body, Chillness without thirst, worse after drinking with external heat at the same time.

    Ipecacuanha 30x:

    the shivering from Extournal heat, internal chilliness.

    Natrum Muriaticum 30x:

    Fever with pains in bones, pain in back, in forenoon Chilliness for three hours.

    Eupatobium Perfoliatum 30x:

    Chills when attempting to change position, violent shivering with bone pains.

    Gelsemium Sempervirens 6x:

    Chilliness every day at the same hour.

  • Use under medical supervision.
  • Additional Information

    Manufacturer REPL

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