ABZ of Homeopathic medicine – Part 1
Like other conventional medicines it is also good to know about general details of Alternative ones too.Homeopathic medicine is used as Alternative to conventional medicine. Homeopathy is based on idea that if a substance causes symptoms in a healthy person then the tiny doses of them can treat the symptoms with someone who is unwell. Homeopaths treat disease with very low dose preparations. Homeopaths consult all chronic conditions include an extremely detailed case history.
We can see some commonly prescribed homeopathic medicine available in online medical stores. Aconite also called Aconitum napellus is a homeopathic medicine used for Shock or Sudden or violent onset. This is the best treatment for ailments from shock, fright, or fear, intense fear, Terror stricken. These people may be in shock due to following Predicts the time of death, Restlessness with fear of death, Sicknesses from exposure to cold, dry wind, these people will be more worse with violent emotions, during cold, night (especially around midnight) and will be much better with open air, mild wine.
Chamomile also known as Matricaria chamomilla is used to sooth or treat Teething infants. Child wants to be carried and is then quieter if we are near them. These teething kids will feel twitching and convulsions during teething. They may sometimes feel frantic irritability with intolerance of pain, Due to this teething may become Ugly, cross, uncivil, and quarrelsome. These kids usually develop colic after anger. They are very much worse with anger, during night, dentition, coffee allergic. If provided wormth hug and carried along they will be more comfortable at this situation and feels soothing if warm and wet weather.
Rhus toxicodendron is a widely available in online medicine. This homeopathic medicine is very much helpful for those joint pains worse with first movement itself. These people can feel calm and better with motion then in rest. Their pain and stiffness become worse in damp weather. They feel more irritability and restlessness at night, driving out of bed frequently or sometimes throughout night. Their back pains and stiffness compelling constant movement in bed time too. Also they will be worse with exposure to wet, cold, before storms, rest, and first movement. These people will be better with heat, continued motion, rubbing, and hot bath.
The above homeopathic online medicines are some commonly prescribed medicines that we should we aware of where the symptoms of these medications were common and can be found anytime in houses with Children to aged persons. For any doubts consult your homeopathic doctor near me. Visit our homeopathy clinic in Velachery and homeopathic clinic in Adyar. Let us see in ABZ of homeopathic medicines part two.