ABZ of Homeopathic medicine – Part 4
Malnutrition or nutrient deficiency is the major threat from new born to aged person in Today’s world even in developing countries. We are here to tell you that Homeopathic medicines are the only side effect less solution to improve your nutrition and boost immunity. Homeopathic medicine available in online medical stores are not only improve your nutritional deficiency by also helps your body system to improve the capacity to absorb the nutrition’s from the food you intake. This will effectively stop the long term medicinal intake and started making your body boost naturally.
Homeopathic medicines Abrotanum, Argentum nit, Barytacarb, Calcarea phosphorica, Calcarea carbonica, Cina, Chamomilla, Hepar sulphur, Iodine, Magnesia carbonica, Natrum muriaticum, Silica, Sulphur and Tuberculinum are the common remedies prescribed for nutritional deficiency. Some indications of these remedies are given below. However it is strongly recommended not to self-medicate as the underlying cause and its effects can be decided and prescribed only through qualified homeopaths.
Abrotanum, Marasmus is a homeopathic medicine available in online medicine will be used to treat Impaired nutrition, defective digestion and assimilation. This will be helpful for person’s with marked emaciation of lower limbs, ascending type. This remedy is also great for weakness, ravenous appetite with rapid skinniness, frigid patients. Constipation and diarrhea alternate usage for this medication.
Calcarea carbonica is a remedy for person who has defective nutrition, sour stools and vomiting of milk, sweat on scalp, head and face. For these persons the feet are moist and cold. They have enlargement of the glands and voracious appetite. They would also likely suffer from reduced body, protuberant abdomen with moody appetite, craving indigestible objects/things. Engorgement of mesenteric glands, Scrofulous infants also possible due to the malnutrition. These infants likely to have diarrhea whenever they start with new food to eat or drink; the rapid emaciation with a harsh and dry skin and the weakness, tiredness, short-tempered and agitation also can be seen in these kids. Homeopathic medicine Calc Carb homeopathic medicine can be used to treat such kids to see improved results.
Calcarea phosphorica is a homeopathic medicine predisposition to glandular and osseous disease. Kid’s required this remedy usually be with large heads, defective bony development, open fontanels and tardy development of the teeth, weak spine, and curved, thin neck. Sallow complexion, persistent vomiting and diarrhea of green, slimy and undigested stools, accompanied with much offensive flatus. Engorgement of glands, enlarged tonsils and Scrofulous tendency were commonly found in them.
Iodium is recommended for the one with dark complexion, hot baby, insatiable hunger, anxiety. These little one’s will be better in open air than in room temperature or in air condition and usually have glandular enlargement. This is available in all online medical stores and best to improve the condition.
Magnesia carbonica is for puny children, marasmus, milk undigested vomiting; griping and colic pains; sour green grassy stools, improperly nourished; ulcers in the mouth, swollen glands, bloated abdomen. These usually have birth jaundice and will have very offensive sweat. Tuberculinum homeopathic medicine is for the children with light complexion, blue eyes, mental activity, ravenous hunger with rapid skinniness and anxiety.
Natrum muriaticum is a marasmus from defective nourishment, thin neck, and ravenous appetite. The child grows thin. Excess thirst and craves water all the time. These kids usually develop with intermittent fever frequently and have dry mouth and throat. Constipated. Skin is scurfy with discharge outbreaks. They will have a craving for salt and salty foods often.
The above homeopathic online medicines are some commonly prescribed medicines that we should be aware of where the symptoms of these medications were common and can be found anytime in houses with Children to aged persons. For any doubts consult your homeopathic doctor near me. Visit our homeopathy clinic in Velachery and homeopathic clinic in Adyar. Let us see in ABZ of homeopathic medicines part five.