The principle behind homeopathic medicine is that symptoms of illness are not just something “wrong” with the person but are actually efforts of their body and mind to fight against infection and to adapt to stress. Mood swings and emotional constraints are increasing in day to day life. Learning homeopathic medicines and online medicines will help you get treated with best homeopathy clinic in velachery at the right time to lead happy and stress free lifestyle.
Sepia is aHomeopathic medicine used to treated hot flashes, fainting, uterine disorders, pulsating headache and chronic hepatic trouble. Most frequent symptoms or these people was irritability, anxiety, indifference, weeping tendency, decreased sexual desire, decreased sleep and weakness.
Cimicifuga is a homeopathic medicine available in online medicine will be used to treat overriding feeling of being caged or tailored in. The patient will be very sensitive especially towards family with a strong fear and anxiety to be alone. Also have a reciprocal feel of the need to break free from family ties. They could be very creative and artistic. But certainly depressed, sad and gloomy, enveloped by a black cloud too. Also feels uneasy, nervous and restless. Symptoms often associated with menstruation, menopause, pregnancy and gynaecological problems. Most importantly Suicidal.
Conium is a remedy for person who has slow withdrawal with complete isolation. Homeopathic medicine Conium can be used to treat people with slow onset of depression and withdraws. They will be withdrawn, isolated and averse to company with anyone. Shuts down gradually and results in isolation. These people have lack of mental and emotional range that leads to a lack of mental and emotional expression. Become rigid, ritualistic and compulsive. Ideas are fixed in the way they do things. Over time memory becomes weak and there is emotional indifference and hardness. Very material types with great attachment to the material world. They will suffer Grief ending paralysis. Complaints associated with suppression of sexual desire (religion) or loss of sexual partner.
Syphillinum is a homeopathic medicine who are suffering distant and far away feeling. These persons will have deep, dark emotional depression, often associated with alcoholism, craves alcohol, Suicidal depression with severe insomnia. They will be always anxious about health and have a misery of recovery from illness, fear of germs and infections, always washing and wringing the hands. Obsessive compulsive behavior is strong, leads to obsessional anxiety, fear of night and symptoms are worse at night. Behavior can be erratic and odd. Attraction with the horrid and death, can have a sadistic flash.
The above homeopathic online medicines are some commonly prescribed medicines that we should be aware of where the symptoms of these medications were common depression symptoms and can be found anytime with persons around you. For any doubts consult your homeopathic doctor in velachery. Visit our homeopathy clinic in Velachery, homeopathy clinic gundy and homeopathic clinic in Adyar. Let us see in ABZ of homeopathic medicines part five.