Drove of Anemia with Homeopathic medicine

The fastest way to cure anemia is using homeopathic medicine. The condition if the number of red blood cells or the haemoglobin concentration within is lower than usual level then it is called anemia. Anemia is a serious global health problem in public mostly affecting young children and pregnant women. World health organization tells that 42 children out of 100 under the age of 5 and 40 among 100 pregnant ladies are getting affected with Anemia. Homeopathic medicine not only cures Anemia but also improves RBC count and increase overall immunity power.
Haemoglobin is needed to carry oxygen and if you have too few or abnormal red blood cells, or not enough haemoglobin, there will be a decreased capacity of the blood to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. This condition of the haemoglobin results in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath, among others. For the optimal haemoglobin concentration in body it has its own necessity to meet physiologic needs opting to individuals age, sex, place of living, smoking or drinling habits and pregnancy status. This can be completely cured by homeopathic medicines
The most common causes of anemia include nutritional deficiencies, particularly iron deficiency, though deficiencies in foliate, vitamins B12 and A are also important causes and infectious diseases, such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV and parasitic infections are even worse problems. The signs of anemia become worse if untreated. Signs may include following Dizziness, Unusual heartbeat or heart murmur, Increased pulse rate, Headache, Fatigue, Pain, including in your bones, joints, chest, belly, Problems with the growth of children and teens, Discomfort while breathing, Skin tone changes to pale , or yellow, Swollen or cold hands and feet, Tiredness or weakness, Irritability in behavior, Unusual cravings, such as wanting to eat ice, clay, or dirt, Trouble concentrating or tiredness, Constipation, Jaundice, Enlarged lymph nodes, An enlarged spleen or liver, Atrophic glossitis of tongue resulting in a smooth, glossy, red, and often painful Inflamed tongue, Brittle nails, High or low blood pressure and Vision problem.
In Homeopathic medicine, anemia treatment includes some of the following medicines like Ferrum metalicum, Alteris Farinosa Q, Natrium Muraticum, Sepia, lecithinum, etc. It is also important that these all medicines are prescribed duly by homeopathy doctor near me according to the symptom of the individual composition. It is better to consult a homeopath before taking any medicine.
Ferrum metallicum is the top most and best anemia homeopathic medicine. It helps the body to cope with lost red blood cells as quickly as possible. This online medicine for anemia is a perfect remedy for symptoms like lethargy, tiredness, vertigo due to anemia. Women suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding can be prescribed with this homeopathic medicine.
Alteris Farinosa is a tremendous homeopathic medicine for the treatment of fragile anemic women. The patient appears pale and weak due to excessive blood loss. Patients have marked weakness and sunken features due to anemia. The body feels cold and chilly. The person feels exhausted due to excessive bleeding. Natrium Muriaticum is a homeopathic medicine has worked efficiently to control weight loss due to anemia. This homeopathic medicine for anemia can be bought in online medical stores in case of severe headaches in anemic patients. It also controls strong palpitations and heart murmurs in frail and weak patients.
Homeopathic medicine Sepia is for women who have a weak yellow complexion. They feel cold even in a warm room. They are irritable. There will be asthenic inflammation of eye with uterine trouble. There is craving for vinegar, acids and pickles. Dyspnea worsens after sleep and is better by rapid motion. These people will be violent, intermittent and palpitation.
Lecithinum is a medicine online to increase the individual RBCs count and the amount of Haemoglobin. There will be mental exhaustion in this person. The individual will be weak with shortness of breath, loss of flesh; will be forgetful, dull and always looks are tending to be confused. The headache will be pulsating type and will crave for wine and coffee.
Although so much treatment available in homeopathic medicine for anemia. It is important to consult you homeopathic doctor near me for the right choice of treatment and prominent cure. For any Anemia related queries visit our best homeo clinic in velachery. Also do contact homeopathic clinic in velachery and homeopathic clinic in guindy for appointments. Have a Hassle free life. Prevention is better than cure.