Kiidney Disease
The kidneys are two bean-shaped tissues in the renal system. They help the body pass unwanted as urine. They also help clean blood before sending it back to the heart.
The kidneys perform many crucial functions, including:
maintaining overall liquid balance
regulating and cleaning minerals from blood
filtering waste materials from food, medicines, and poisonous substances
creating hormones that help produce red blood cells, promote bone health, and regulate blood pressure
The Facts About Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
37 million American adults have CKD and millions of others are at increased risk.
Early detection can help prevent the progression of kidney disease to kidney failure.
Heart disease is the major cause of death for all people with CKD.
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best estimate of kidney function.
Hypertension causes CKD and CKD causes hypertension.
Persistent proteinuria (protein in the urine) means CKD is present.
High risk groups include those with diabetes, hypertension and family history of kidney failure.
African Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, American Indians and Seniors are at increased risk.
Two simple tests can detect CKD: blood pressure, urine albumin and serum creatinine.
N Homeopathy Clinic and Treatment of Kidney Disease;
Our N Homeo Doctors have vast experience to give complete treatment for who are all affected kidney related issues. N homeopathy clinic provides constitutional homeopathy treatment for the patients and our doctors and support staffs regularly checking and monitoring the patients’ health conditions. N homeopathy Clinic at Velachery has a 100% Susses ration for the Kidney related issues.
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