Menopause – Hot or Hell
Menopause is now a days a word that makes women uneasy and stressed. Is really menopause is a bad travel? Homeopathic medicine makes all easy with your menopause worries and gives a happy ending. Menopause expecting hot flashes, mood swings and weight gain. But with homeopathy online medicines and homeopathy online medical store it will be really smooth than what you think.
Menopause is the time when the periods stops for a women and she no longer can become pregnant. We can say a women has attained menopause if she has not got her periods for full long year. Bothersome symptoms for years around menopause time is called perimenopause. The hormone changes that happen during or before menopause will affect every women differently. Homeopathic medicines will support you effectively during this changes without any hard core in body.
Women usually in their late 40s are early 50s have the menopause transition. However the earlier menopause can be a result of any surgery or cancer treatment or may be due to genetic history. You can follow some simple steps to avoid mild menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings and weight gain. Avoid junk foods, caffeine, and alcohol and keep yourselves stress free. But for problems like Bone loss, over weight gain, suppressed depression, emotional threat, tightness in chest and many more homeopathic medicine can be your well-wisher.
For women who are chill, pale and sluggish with trouble in concentration during or after menopause then homeopathic medicine graphites will be great remedy. Lachesis mutus relives highly from hot flashes due to occurrence of periods. Homeopathic medicine sepia will be effective if the periods is heavy internal organs feels very weak and painful. These women will be looking irritable detachment with family member and others.
During menopause few of them want to weep or feel more anxious and worried about their health. These person need homeopathic medicine sulphur often to be mentally active and avoid mood swings. If you are the one having hot flashes due to head congestion then belladonna is the best remedy. Glonoinum is also a homeopathic medicine for hot flashes during or after menopause.
Medicine online like calcarea carbonica will be helpful for general chillness as well as weight gain in menopause. People with this remedy will be hard working and responsible usually and dye to worried symptoms they will be slow and sluggish sometime. This homeopathic medicine is also a great remedy for stiff joints and cramps in the feet or legs. People who have more cravings on sweets and cholesterol items also need this homeopathic medicine highly.
Other homeopathic medicine Lilium tigrinum, natrum muriaticum, pulsatilla, staphysagria, etc. will also be greatly effective for the symptoms like tightness in chest, mood swings, irregular periods, queasy feelings, crave for salt, accompanied with backache or migraines, etc. Although homeopathic medicines listed in this article generally cause no side effects, consumption is recommended based on the homeopaths recommendation as each women is different in their body and mind.
For any queries or doubts contact our best homeo clinic in velachery. Book your appointments with homeopathy clinic in velachery and homeopathy clinic in adyar. Although Menopause shakes both physical and emotional wellbeing. As a women it is our responsibility to take utmost care of our body as every individual wellbeing together the nation’s well being too. Have safe and healthy ending of menopause.