Various healthcare initiatives of the State such as Tamil Nadu Medical Service Corporation, Birth companion Programme have been adopted by various other States in India. The current Infant Mortality Rate of the State is 16 (Sample Registration System 2017), which is well below the 12th plan national target of 30 per 1,000 live births. The State ranks as the second lowest among the major States in the country for this indicator. Against the National target of 100 per lakh live births for the Maternal Mortality Ratio, the State had already achieved a Maternal Mortality Ratio of 66 as per Sample Registration System 2014-2016, which is further reduced to 60 as per HMIS data 2018. The achievements in the vital health indicators are due to the strenuous efforts taken by this Government. The State has also achieved replacement level and the current Total Fertility Rate is 1.6 which is one of the lowest in the country and is maintained for the last three years. The performance of Tamil Nadu on the health front has been appreciated by the Common Review Mission of the Government of India and other various Independent Review Missions.
1.The details of the employees working under the Health and Family Welfare Department are as follows:
Sl. No. Name of the Organisation No. of posts sanctioned 1.) Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine 45,519 2.) Directorate of Medical Education 40,357 3.) Directorate of Medical and Rural Health Services 25,490 4.) Commissionerate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy 4,138 5.) Directorate of Family Welfare 3,452 6.) Directorate of Food Safety and Drugs Administration 1,575 7.) Tamil Nadu State Health Transport Department 669 8.) Medical Service Recruitment Board 21 TOTAL 1,21,221 2 1.4 Apart from this, 5018 staffs deputed from the Labour and Employment department, to Directorate of Medical and Rural Health Services (Employees State Insurance Scheme). Additionally, the details of the staff position of the various Mission, Projects and Programmes, some are deputation and other continue till the completion of the Projects or Programme, are as follows: a. Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society 2,873 b. Tamil Nadu State Health Society 790 c. Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation 851 d. Tamil Nadu Urban Healthcare Project 56 Certain specific contracted staff under State Health Society and other outsourced staff are not included.
Source : Tamil Nadu Health Budget