Gas is a by product of fermentation or rotting food in the digestive tract by yeast and bacteria. It may be odourless or foul smelling. Fermentation produces carbon dioxide, which has no smell. Bacteria often produce methane and hydrogen sulphide, which do have a foul smell.
Belching, passing gas and abdominal bloating with rumbling sounds are the most common symptoms of gas.
Gas may be painful if it is trapped in the stomach or intestines. More serious abdominal problems are sometimes mistaken for simple gas pains. If gas doesn’t resolve within six to twelve hours, or is very severe or accompanied by fever, nausea, and vomiting, seek medical attention to get a proper diagnosis of the abdominal pain.
If bloating is extreme or if the person is exhausted or collapsed and wants to be fanned, give Carbo vegetabilis.
If the person is doubled over in pain and doubling over makes him feel better, give Colocynthis.
When gas and bloating take away the appetite, and the person lacks confidence and is worse from 4.00 to 8.00pm., give Lycopodium.
If the person is chilly, irritable and impatient and can’t seem to pass the gas without straining, give Nux vomica.
When the person is weepy, changeable and clingy and has eaten too much fat or rich food, give her Pulsatilla.
Charcoal capsules are helpful in relieving gas. Take two capsules every four hours.
Lying on the back and bringing the knees to the chest may cause gas to pass.
Squatting helps relieve gas.
Massaging the abdomen in a clockwise direction helps the lower bowel gas to pass.
Babies may be burped over the shoulder.
Treat constipation to relieve chronic gas.
Eliminate gas forming foods from the diet., such as beans, potatoes, sweets, and carbonated drinks.
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