Insomnia is difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep to the point that it interferes with getting adequate rest. Insomnia may be caused by emotional distress, worry, nervous tension, too much thinking, pain, drugs, caffeine, overeating, or environments that are not conductive to sleeping.


People with insomnia either can’t get to sleep, or they sleep too lightly and awaken too early or too frequently. They often feel tired in the morning upon waking, and do not dream normally.

Lack of sleep contributes to irritability, stress, poor performance at school or work, and a greater tendency to make mistakes or have accidents. People with chronic insomnia may become irritable or depressed. COMPLICATIONS

An occasional lost night of sleep will not cause much difficulty, but chronic insomnia can take its toll on one’s health. Sleep deprivation impacts the proper functioning of the immune system and decreases overall alertness and mental functioning.

  • If the person can’t sleep following a terrifying experience, the medicine is Aconite.
  • For insomnia that begins right after a financial crisis, give Arsenicum album.
  • For someone who sits up in bed wide awake at 3.00 A.M., think of Coffee.
  • Coffea and chamomilla can be helpful for sleep lessness due to hypersensitivity to pain.
  • For inability to sleep because of anticipation or stage fright, Gelsemium fits best.
  • If the insomnia began during a period of grieving after the death of a loved one, the best medicine is Ignatia. People who wake at 3.00 A.M. worrying about business often benefit from Nux vomica. SELF CARE AND HOME REMEDIES Drink a cup of warm milk, containing the amino acid tryptophan, one half hour before bedtime.
  • Equal parts of valerian root, skullcap, passionflower, and hops is a useful herbal sleep formula. Take thirty drops of tincture in warm water one half hour before bedtime or every two hours as needed.
  • Take an hour of quiet time or relaxation without noise or entertainment before going to bed.
  • Lie on the right side with arm outstretched to induce sleep more rapidly.
  • do alternate nostril breathing for five minutes at bedtime. Close the right nostril with your thumb pressed to the side of your nose. Inhale slowly through the left nostril. With your middle finger close the left nostril, release your thumb to open the right and exhale, inhale through the right. Then close the right nostril and exhale through the left. Inhale slowly through the left and switch again, exhaling through the right. Continue for three to ten minutes.

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