Nearly all the bio-chemical reactions that occur in body cells depend on water and electrolyte (sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, phosphorous, magnesium etc.) balance. These balances are not only vital to maintaining life but also affect physical and mental performance.
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Naturally, daily fluid requirements will vary with environmental conditions, clothing and exercise intensity and duration.
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FINANCES, RELATIONSHIPS AND MENTAL WELL-BEING: The quality of your life is directly related to your standards. A standard is a personal rule or expectation about the level of excellence you require in something and when you raise your standards you change your life. In my work as a professional coach, i have found that most people haven’t taken time to define their standards. Invariably, they’ve inherited rules from others, leading them to live their lives using someone else’s game plan, if you’d like to improve the quality of your life, consider increasing your standards.Read MorePosted in News
FINANCES, RELATIONSHIPS AND MENTAL WELL BEINGThe quality of your life is directly related to your standards. A standard is a personal rule or expectation about the level of excellence you require inn something and when you raise your standards you change your life.
In my work as a professional coach, i’ve found that most people haven’t taken time to define their standards. Invariably, they’ve inherited rules from others, leading them to live their lives using someone else’s game plan, if you’d like to improve the quality of you life,considerincreasingyour